MILESTONE Wrocław Olbin with BREEAM In-Use certificate

MILESTONE Wrocław Olbin with BREEAM In-Use certificate

We are pleased to announce that MILESTONE Wrocław Ołbin, located at 9 Prusa Street in Wroclaw has been awarded the BREEAM In-Use certificate at the Very Good level in the Part 1 Asset and Part 2 Building Management.

It is a high-class dormitory located in the city centre with excellent access to communication and service points. It is worth mentioning that it is the first dormitory in Poland to obtain BREEAM In-Use certificate, also at Very Good level.

In order to obtain this prestigious international certificate, the investment has carried out an Ecologist’s Report with the aim of increasing the biodiversity of the local area. The building uses highly efficient maintenance procedures and implements an environmental policy that minimises harmful effects on the environment.

We would like to sincerely thank Value One, Akron Group and MILESTONE Student Living for the fruitful cooperation and congratulate them on the result achieved.

MILESTONE Wrocław Ołbin is being expanded with one more building part and is currently under construction which we are also pleased to certify, this time under the BREEAM New Construction system.